Time Delay Spatio Temporal Neural Network

CRAN Package

STARMA (Space-Time Autoregressive Moving Average) models are commonly utilized in modeling and forecasting spatiotemporal time series data. However, the intricate nonlinear dynamics observed in many space-time rainfall patterns often exceed the capabilities of conventional STARMA models. This R package enables the fitting of Time Delay Spatio-Temporal Neural Networks, which are adept at handling such complex nonlinear dynamics efficiently. For detailed methodology, please refer to Saha et al. (2020) doi:10.1007/s00704-020-03374-2.

  • Version0.1.0
  • R versionunknown
  • LicenseGPL-3
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Last release05/26/2024



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  • Depends1 package