A Tuning-Free Robust and Efficient Approach to High-Dimensional Regression

CRAN Package

Provide functions to estimate the coefficients in high-dimensional linear regressions via a tuning-free and robust approach. The method was published in Wang, L., Peng, B., Bradic, J., Li, R. and Wu, Y. (2020), "A Tuning-free Robust and Efficient Approach to High-dimensional Regression", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115:532, 1700-1714(JASA’s discussion paper), doi:10.1080/01621459.2020.1840989. See also Wang, L., Peng, B., Bradic, J., Li, R. and Wu, Y. (2020), "Rejoinder to “A tuning-free robust and efficient approach to high-dimensional regression". Journal of the American Statistical Association, 115, 1726-1729, doi:10.1080/01621459.2020.1843865; Peng, B. and Wang, L. (2015), "An Iterative Coordinate Descent Algorithm for High-Dimensional Nonconvex Penalized Quantile Regression", Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 24:3, 676-694, doi:10.1080/10618600.2014.913516; Clémençon, S., Colin, I., and Bellet, A. (2016), "Scaling-up empirical risk minimization: optimization of incomplete u-statistics", The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17(1):2682–2717; Fan, J. and Li, R. (2001), "Variable Selection via Nonconcave Penalized Likelihood and its Oracle Properties", Journal of the American Statistical Association, 96:456, 1348-1360, doi:10.1198/016214501753382273.



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