
Optimal Test Design Approach to Fixed and Adaptive Test Construction

CRAN Package

Uses the optimal test design approach by Birnbaum (1968, ISBN:9781593119348) and van der Linden (2018) doi:10.1201/9781315117430 to construct fixed, adaptive, and parallel tests. Supports the following mixed-integer programming (MIP) solver packages: 'Rsymphony', 'highs', 'gurobi', 'lpSolve', and 'Rglpk'. The 'gurobi' package is not available from CRAN; see https://www.gurobi.com/downloads/.




Last 30 days

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Last 365 days

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  • Imports5 packages
  • Suggests17 packages
  • Linking To2 packages
  • Reverse Imports2 packages