
Estimation of Affinity Matrix

CRAN Package

Tools to study sorting patterns in matching markets and to estimate the affinity matrix of both the bipartite one-to-one matching model without frictions and with Transferable Utility by 'Dupuy' and 'Galichon' (2014) doi:10.1086/677191 and its 'unipartite' variant by 'Ciscato', 'Galichon' and 'Gousse' (2020) doi:10.1086/704611. It also contains all the necessary tools to implement the 'saliency' analysis, to run rank tests of the affinity matrix and to build tables and plots summarizing the findings.

  • Version0.1.0
  • R versionunknown
  • LicenseGPL-3
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Last release11/26/2020




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  • Imports5 packages
  • Suggests1 package