
Alternating Manifold Proximal Gradient Method for Sparse PCA

CRAN Package

Alternating Manifold Proximal Gradient Method for Sparse PCA uses the Alternating Manifold Proximal Gradient (AManPG) method to find sparse principal components from a data or covariance matrix. Provides a novel algorithm for solving the sparse principal component analysis problem which provides advantages over existing methods in terms of efficiency and convergence guarantees. Chen, S., Ma, S., Xue, L., & Zou, H. (2020) doi:10.1287/ijoo.2019.0032. Zou, H., Hastie, T., & Tibshirani, R. (2006) doi:10.1198/106186006X113430. Zou, H., & Xue, L. (2018) doi:10.1109/JPROC.2018.2846588.




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