
Making Optimal Matching Size-Scalable Using Optimal Calipers

CRAN Package

Implements optimal matching with near-fine balance in large observational studies with the use of optimal calipers to get a sparse network. The caliper is optimal in the sense that it is as small as possible such that a matching exists. The main functions in the 'bigmatch' package are optcal() to find the optimal caliper, optconstant() to find the optimal number of nearest neighbors, and nfmatch() to find a near-fine balance match with a caliper and a restriction on the number of nearest neighbors. Yu, R., Silber, J. H., and Rosenbaum, P. R. (2020). doi:10.1214/19-sts699.

  • Version0.6.4
  • R versionunknown
  • LicenseMIT
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Last release08/11/2022



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  • Imports4 packages
  • Suggests1 package