Automated Multicollinearity Management
Effortless multicollinearity management in data frames with both numeric and categorical variables for statistical and machine learning applications. The package simplifies multicollinearity analysis by combining four robust methods: 1) target encoding for categorical variables (Micci-Barreca, D. 2001); 2) automated feature prioritization to prevent key variable loss during filtering; 3) pairwise correlation for all variable combinations (numeric-numeric, numeric-categorical, categorical-categorical); and 4) fast computation of variance inflation factors.
- Version2.0.0
- R version≥ 4.0
- LicenseMIT
- LicenseLICENSE
- Needs compilation?No
- Languageen-US
- collinear citation info
- Last release11/08/2024
Blas M. Benito
Last 30 days
Last 365 days
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- Imports5 packages
- Suggests3 packages