Colors for all
Color palettes for all people, including those with color vision deficiency. Popular color palette series have been organized by type and have been scored on several properties such as color-blind-friendliness and fairness (i.e. do colors stand out equally?). Own palettes can also be loaded and analysed. Besides the common palette types (categorical, sequential, and diverging) it also includes cyclic and bivariate color palettes. Furthermore, a color for missing values is assigned to each palette.
- Version0.8
- R version≥ 3.5.0
- LicenseGPL-3
- Needs compilation?No
- cols4all citation info
- Last release10/16/2024
Martijn Tennekes
Achim Zeileis
Jakub Nowosad
Show author detailsRolesContributorRobin Lovelace
Olivier Roy
Show author detailsRolesContributorMarco Puts
Show author detailsRolesContributorHelgasoft
Show author detailsRolesContributorMatthew Petroff
Show author detailsRolesContributor
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Data provided by CRAN
- Imports5 packages
- Suggests11 packages
- Reverse Suggests2 packages