Convert Gene IDs Between Each Other and Fetch Annotations from Biomart
Gene Symbols or Ensembl Gene IDs are converted using the Bimap interface in 'AnnotationDbi' in convertId2() but that function is only provided as fallback mechanism for the most common use cases in data analysis. The main function in the package is which queries BioMart using the full capacity of the API provided through the 'biomaRt' package. Presets and defaults are provided for convenience but all "marts", "filters" and "attributes" can be set by the user. Function convert.alias() converts Gene Symbols to Aliases and vice versa and function likely_symbol() attempts to determine the most likely current Gene Symbol.
- Version0.1.8
- R versionunknown
- LicenseGPL-3
- Needs compilation?No
- Last release11/29/2023
Vidal Fey
Henrik Edgren
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- Imports6 packages