
Fitting Dose-Response Models Using an Evolutionary Algorithm

CRAN Package

Fits dose-response models using an evolutionary algorithm to estimate the model parameters. The procedure currently can fit 3-parameter, 4-parameter, and 5-parameter log-logistic models as well as exponential models. Functions are also provided to plot, make predictions, and calculate confidence intervals for the resulting models. For details see "Nonlinear Dose-response Modeling of High-Throughput Screening Data Using an Evolutionary Algorithm", Ma, J., Bair, E., Motsinger-Reif, A.; Dose-Response 18(2):1559325820926734 (2020) doi:10.1177/1559325820926734.

  • Version0.1.4
  • R version≥ 2.10.0
  • LicenseGPL-3
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Last release05/29/2022




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