Facilitate Exploration of touRR optimisatioN
Diagnostic plots for optimisation, with a focus on projection pursuit. These show paths the optimiser takes in the high-dimensional space in multiple ways: by reducing the dimension using principal component analysis, and also using the tour to show the path on the high-dimensional space. Several botanical colour palettes are included, reflecting the name of the package. A paper describing the methodology can be found at https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2021/RJ-2021-105/index.html.
- Version0.1.0
- R version≥ 2.10
- LicenseMIT
- LicenseLICENSE
- Needs compilation?No
- Languageen-GB
- ferrn citation info
- Last release06/23/2024
H. Sherry Zhang
Dianne Cook
Show author detailsRolesAuthorUrsula Laa
Nicolas Langrené
Patricia Menéndez
Last 30 days
Last 365 days
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- Imports17 packages
- Suggests7 packages