Fiber Length Determination
Routines for estimating tree fiber (tracheid) length distributions in the standing tree based on increment core samples. Two types of data can be used with the package, increment core data measured by means of an optical fiber analyzer (OFA), e.g. such as the Kajaani Fiber Lab, or measured by microscopy. Increment core data analyzed by OFAs consist of the cell lengths of both cut and uncut fibres (tracheids) and fines (such as ray parenchyma cells) without being able to identify which cells are cut or if they are fines or fibres. The microscopy measured data consist of the observed lengths of the uncut fibres in the increment core. A censored version of a mixture of the fine and fiber length distributions is proposed to fit the OFA data, under distributional assumptions (Svensson et al., 2006) doi:10.1111/j.1467-9469.2006.00501.x. The package offers two choices for the assumptions of the underlying density functions of the true fiber (fine) lenghts of those fibers (fines) that at least partially appear in the increment core, being the generalized gamma and the log normal densities.
- Version0.1-8
- R version≥ 3.5.0
- LicenseGPL-2
- LicenseGPL-3
- Needs compilation?Yes
- Last release01/17/2024
Natalya Pya Arnqvist
Sara Sjöstedt de Luna
Show author detailsRolesAuthorKonrad Abramowicz
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