Earth Observation Data Cubes from Satellite Image Collections
Processing collections of Earth observation images as on-demand multispectral, multitemporal raster data cubes. Users define cubes by spatiotemporal extent, resolution, and spatial reference system and let 'gdalcubes' automatically apply cropping, reprojection, and resampling using the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' ('GDAL'). Implemented functions on data cubes include reduction over space and time, applying arithmetic expressions on pixel band values, moving window aggregates over time, filtering by space, time, bands, and predicates on pixel values, exporting data cubes as 'netCDF' or 'GeoTIFF' files, plotting, and extraction from spatial and or spatiotemporal features. All computational parts are implemented in C++, linking to the 'GDAL', 'netCDF', 'CURL', and 'SQLite' libraries. See Appel and Pebesma (2019) doi:10.3390/data4030092 for further details.
- Version0.7.0
- R versionunknown
- LicenseMIT
- LicenseLICENSE
- Needs compilation?Yes
- gdalcubes citation info
- Last release03/07/2024
Marius Appel
Jeroen Ooms
Roger Bivand
Edzer Pebesma
Howard Hinnant
Show author detailsRolesCopyright holderAdrian Colomitchi
Show author detailsRolesCopyright holderFlorian Dang
Show author detailsRolesCopyright holderPaul Thompson
Show author detailsRolesCopyright holderTomasz Kamiński
Show author detailsRolesCopyright holderLewis Van Winkle
Show author detailsRolesCopyright holderOle Christian Eidheim
Show author detailsRolesCopyright holderDropbox, Inc.
Show author detailsRolesCopyright holder
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