
Health Economic Simulation Modeling and Decision Analysis

CRAN Package

A modular and computationally efficient R package for parameterizing, simulating, and analyzing health economic simulation models. The package supports cohort discrete time state transition models doi:10.2165/00019053-199813040-00003, N-state partitioned survival models doi:10.1002/sim.4780091106, and individual-level continuous time state transition models doi:10.1016/j.jval.2012.06.014, encompassing both Markov (time-homogeneous and time-inhomogeneous) and semi-Markov processes. Decision uncertainty from a cost-effectiveness analysis is quantified with standard graphical and tabular summaries of a probabilistic sensitivity analysis doi:10.1002/hec.985, doi:10.1111/j.1524-4733.2008.00358.x. Use of C++ and data.table make individual-patient simulation, probabilistic sensitivity analysis, and incorporation of patient heterogeneity fast.




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