Inference in Randomized Controlled Trials with Death and Missingness
In randomized studies involving severely ill patients, functional outcomes are often unobserved due to missed clinic visits, premature withdrawal or death. It is well known that if these unobserved functional outcomes are not handled properly, biased treatment comparisons can be produced. In this package, we implement a procedure for comparing treatments that is based on the composite endpoint of both the functional outcome and survival. The procedure was proposed in Wang et al. (2016) doi:10.1111/biom.12594 and Wang et al. (2020) doi:10.18637/jss.v093.i12. It considers missing data imputation with different sensitivity analysis strategies to handle the unobserved functional outcomes not due to death.
- Version5.2
- R version≥ 3.4.0
- LicenseGPL (≥ 3)
- Needs compilation?Yes
- idem citation info
- Last release08/09/2023
Chenguang Wang
Andrew Leroux
Show author detailsRolesAuthor, MaintainerTrustees of Columbia University
Show author detailsRolesCopyright holderElizabeth Colantuoni
Show author detailsRolesAuthorDaniel O Scharfstein
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