Statistical Methods for Auditing
Provides statistical methods for auditing as implemented in JASP for Audit (Derks et al., 2021 doi:10.21105/joss.02733). First, the package makes it easy for an auditor to plan a statistical sample, select the sample from the population, and evaluate the misstatement in the sample compliant with international auditing standards. Second, the package provides statistical methods for auditing data, including tests of digit distributions and repeated values. Finally, the package includes methods for auditing algorithms on the aspect of fairness and bias. Next to classical statistical methodology, the package implements Bayesian equivalents of these methods whose statistical underpinnings are described in Derks et al. (2021) doi:10.1111/ijau.12240, Derks et al. (2024) doi:10.2308/AJPT-2021-086, and Derks et al. (2022) doi:10.31234/osf.io/8nf3e.
- Version0.7.2
- R versionunknown
- LicenseGPL (≥ 3)
- Needs compilation?Yes
- Languageen-US
- jfa citation info
- Last release08/23/2024
Koen Derks
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- Imports8 packages
- Suggests9 packages
- Linking To6 packages