Label Attributes for Atomic Vectors
Labels are a common construct in statistical software providing a human readable description of a variable. While variable names are succinct, quick to type, and follow a language's naming conventions, labels may be more illustrative and may use plain text and spaces. R does not provide native support for labels. Some packages, however, have made this feature available. Most notably, the 'Hmisc' package provides labelling methods for a number of different object. Due to design decisions, these methods are not all exported, and so are unavailable for use in package development. The 'labelVector' package supports labels for atomic vectors in a light-weight design that is suitable for use in other packages.
- Version0.1.2
- R versionunknown
- LicenseMIT
- LicenseLICENSE
- Needs compilation?No
- Last release10/08/2021
Benjamin Nutter
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- Suggests3 packages
- Reverse Imports4 packages