
Landscape Epidemiology and Evolution

CRAN Package

A stochastic, spatially-explicit, demo-genetic model simulating the spread and evolution of a plant pathogen in a heterogeneous landscape to assess resistance deployment strategies. It is based on a spatial geometry for describing the landscape and allocation of different cultivars, a dispersal kernel for the dissemination of the pathogen, and a SEIR ('Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Removed’) structure with a discrete time step. It provides a useful tool to assess the performance of a wide range of deployment options with respect to their epidemiological, evolutionary and economic outcomes. Loup Rimbaud, Julien Papaïx, Jean-François Rey, Luke G Barrett, Peter H Thrall (2018) doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006067.




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  • Depends1 package
  • Imports11 packages
  • Suggests6 packages
  • Linking To2 packages