Microeconometrics with R
Functions, data sets and examples for the book: Yves Croissant (2024) "Microeconometrics with R", Chapman and Hall/CRC The R Series. The package includes a set of estimators for models used in microeconometrics, especially for count data and limited dependent variables. Test functions include score test, Hausman test, Vuong test, Sargan test and conditional moment test. A small subset of the data set used in the book is also included.
- Version0.1-1
- R versionunknown
- LicenseGPL-2
- LicenseGPL-3
- Needs compilation?Yes
- Last release02/17/2024
Yves Croissant
Last 30 days
This package has been downloaded 220 times in the last 30 days. Enough downloads to make a small wave in the niche community. The curiosity is spreading! The following heatmap shows the distribution of downloads per day. Yesterday, it was downloaded 15 times.
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Last 365 days
This package has been downloaded 2,405 times in the last 365 days. Consider this 'mid-tier influencer' status—if it were a TikTok, it would get a nod from nieces and nephews. The day with the most downloads was Jul 23, 2024 with 21 downloads.
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- Imports13 packages
- Suggests9 packages