Multilevel/Mixed Model Helper Functions
A collection of miscellaneous helper function for running multilevel/mixed models in 'lme4'. This package aims to provide functions to compute common tasks when estimating multilevel models such as computing the intraclass correlation and design effect, centering variables, estimating the proportion of variance explained at each level, pseudo-R squared, random intercept and slope reliabilities, tests for homogeneity of variance at level-1, and cluster robust and bootstrap standard errors. The tests and statistics reported in the package are from Raudenbush & Bryk (2002, ISBN:9780761919049), Hox et al. (2018, ISBN:9781138121362), and Snijders & Bosker (2012, ISBN:9781849202015).
- Version0.1.1
- R versionunknown
- LicenseMIT
- LicenseLICENSE
- Needs compilation?No
- Last release05/21/2024
Louis Rocconi
Anthony Schmidt
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This package has been downloaded 3,785 times in the last 365 days. Consider this 'mid-tier influencer' status—if it were a TikTok, it would get a nod from nieces and nephews. The day with the most downloads was May 22, 2024 with 72 downloads.
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