
Core Mathematical Functions for Multi-Objective Optimization

CRAN Package

Fast implementation of mathematical operations and performance metrics for multi-objective optimization, including filtering and ranking of dominated vectors according to Pareto optimality, computation of the empirical attainment function, V.G. da Fonseca, C.M. Fonseca, A.O. Hall (2001) doi:10.1007/3-540-44719-9_15, hypervolume metric, C.M. Fonseca, L. Paquete, M. López-Ibáñez (2006) doi:10.1109/CEC.2006.1688440, epsilon indicator, inverted generational distance, and Vorob'ev threshold, expectation and deviation, M. Binois, D. Ginsbourger, O. Roustant (2015) doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2014.07.032, among others.




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