
Append 'WITH (NOLOCK)' to 'SQL' Queries, Get Packages in Active Script

CRAN Package

Provides a suite of tools that can assist in enhancing the processing efficiency of 'SQL' and 'R' scripts. - The 'libr_unused()' retrieves a vector of package names that are called within an 'R' script but are never actually used in the script. - The 'libr_used()' retrieves a vector of package names actively utilized within an 'R' script; packages loaded using 'library()' but not actually used in the script will not be included. - The 'libr_called()' retrieves a vector of all package names which are called within an 'R' script. - 'nolock()' appends 'WITH (nolock)' to all tables in 'SQL' queries. This facilitates reading from databases in scenarios where non-blocking reads are preferable, such as in high-transaction environments.

  • Version1.1.0
  • R versionunknown
  • LicenseGPL-3
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Last release11/15/2023



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  • Imports4 packages