
Quadrangle Mesh

CRAN Package

Create surface forms from matrix or 'raster' data for flexible plotting and conversion to other mesh types. The functions 'quadmesh' or 'triangmesh' produce a continuous surface as a 'mesh3d' object as used by the 'rgl' package. This is used for plotting raster data in 3D (optionally with texture), and allows the application of a map projection without data loss and many processing applications that are restricted by inflexible regular grid rasters. There are discrete forms of these continuous surfaces available with 'dquadmesh' and 'dtriangmesh' functions.

  • Version0.5.5
  • R versionunknown
  • LicenseGPL-3
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Last release08/31/2022




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  • Imports8 packages
  • Suggests4 packages
  • Reverse Imports1 package