
Nonlinear Root Finding, Equilibrium and Steady-State Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations

CRAN Package

Routines to find the root of nonlinear functions, and to perform steady-state and equilibrium analysis of ordinary differential equations (ODE). Includes routines that: (1) generate gradient and jacobian matrices (full and banded), (2) find roots of non-linear equations by the 'Newton-Raphson' method, (3) estimate steady-state conditions of a system of (differential) equations in full, banded or sparse form, using the 'Newton-Raphson' method, or by dynamically running, (4) solve the steady-state conditions for uni-and multicomponent 1-D, 2-D, and 3-D partial differential equations, that have been converted to ordinary differential equations by numerical differencing (using the method-of-lines approach). Includes fortran code.




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  • Reverse Depends15 packages
  • Reverse Imports65 packages
  • Reverse Suggests8 packages