
Multivariate ANalysis of VAriance with Ridge Regularization for Semicontinuous High-Dimensional Data

CRAN Package

Implements Multivariate ANalysis Of VAriance (MANOVA) parameters' inference and test with regularization for semicontinuous high-dimensional data. The method can be applied also in presence of low-dimensional data. The p-value can be obtained through asymptotic distribution or using a permutation procedure. The package gives also the possibility to simulate this type of data. Method is described in Elena Sabbioni, Claudio Agostinelli and Alessio Farcomeni (2024) doi:10.48550/arXiv.2401.04036.

  • Version0.1-8
  • R version≥ 2.15.1
  • LicenseGPL-2
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Last release01/10/2024



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  • Imports2 packages