
Stagewise Generalized Estimating Equations

CRAN Package

Stagewise techniques implemented with Generalized Estimating Equations to handle individual, group, bi-level, and interaction selection. Stagewise approaches start with an empty model and slowly build the model over several iterations, which yields a 'path' of candidate models from which model selection can be performed. This 'slow brewing' approach gives stagewise techniques a unique flexibility that allows simple incorporation of Generalized Estimating Equations; see Vaughan, G., Aseltine, R., Chen, K., Yan, J., (2017) <doi:10.1111/biom.12669> for details.

  • Version0.6-0
  • R version≥ 3.0.0
  • LicenseGPL (≥ 3)
  • Needs compilation?No
  • Last release01/08/2018




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  • Imports2 packages