Load Test Shiny Applications
Assesses the number of concurrent users 'shiny' applications are capable of supporting, and for directing application changes in order to support a higher number of users. Provides facilities for recording 'shiny' application sessions, playing recorded sessions against a target server at load, and analyzing the resulting metrics.
- Version1.2.0
- R version≥ 2.10
- LicenseGPL-3
- Needs compilation?No
- Languageen-US
- Last release07/19/2024
Barret Schloerke
MaintainerShow author detailsPosit Software, PBC
Show author detailsRolesCopyright holder, fndBarbara Borges
Show author detailsRolesAuthorAlan Dipert
Show author detailsRolesAuthor
Last 30 days
Last 365 days
The following line graph shows the downloads per day. You can hover over the graph to see the exact number of downloads per day.
Data provided by CRAN
- Imports15 packages
- Suggests9 packages