
A Set of RStudio Addins

CRAN Package

A set of RStudio addins that are designed to be used in combination with user-defined RStudio keyboard shortcuts. These addins either: 1) insert text at a cursor position (e.g. insert operators %>%, <<-, %$%, etc.), 2) replace symbols in selected pieces of text (e.g., convert backslashes to forward slashes which results in stings like "c:\data\" converted into "c:/data/") or 3) enclose text with special symbols (e.g., converts "bold" into "**bold**") which is convenient for editing R Markdown files.




Last 30 days

The following line graph shows the downloads per day. You can hover over the graph to see the exact number of downloads per day.

Last 365 days

The following line graph shows the downloads per day. You can hover over the graph to see the exact number of downloads per day.

Data provided by CRAN



  • Imports4 packages
  • Suggests3 packages