Tidy Verbs for Fast Data Manipulation
A toolkit of tidy data manipulation verbs with 'data.table' as the backend. Combining the merits of syntax elegance from 'dplyr' and computing performance from 'data.table', 'tidyfst' intends to provide users with state-of-the-art data manipulation tools with least pain. This package is an extension of 'data.table'. While enjoying a tidy syntax, it also wraps combinations of efficient functions to facilitate frequently-used data operations.
- Version1.8.1
- R version≥ 4.0.0
- LicenseMIT
- LicenseLICENSE
- Needs compilation?No
- tidyfst citation info
- Last release09/16/2024
Tian-Yuan Huang
Last 30 days
Last 365 days
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- Suggests9 packages
- Reverse Imports1 package
- Reverse Suggests1 package