Adam H. Sparks
Author of 10 CRAN packages
Adam H. Sparks has worked on 10 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, Adam H. Sparks is on a mission. Adam H. Sparks teamed up with 56 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
10 Packages
- CropWaterBalanceClimate Water Balance for Irrigation Purposes
- GSODRGlobal Surface Summary of the Day ('GSOD') Weather Data Client
- PowerSDICalculate Standardised Drought Indices Using NASA POWER Data
- ascotraceRSimulate the Spread of Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea
- chirpsAPI Client for CHIRPS and CHIRTS
- epiphyAnalysis of Plant Disease Epidemics
- hagisAnalysis of Plant Pathogen Pathotype Complexities, Distributions and Diversity
- nasapowerNASA POWER API Client
- weatherOzAn API Client for Australian Weather and Climate Data Resources
- SPIChangesImproves the Interpretation of the Standardized Precipitation Index Under Changing Climate Conditions
- Gabriel Constantino Blain
- Graciela R. Sobierajski
- Regina C. Matos Pires
- Leticia L. Martins
- Hugh Parsonage
- Tomislav Hengl
- Andrew Nelson
- Taras Kaduk
- Gwenael Giboire
- Łukasz Pawlik
- Ross Darnell
- Tyler Widdison
- Curtin University
- Paul Melloy
- Ihsanul Khaliq
- Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) Project USQ1903-003RTX
- University of Southern Queensland
- Western Australia Agriculture Authority (WAAA)
- Kauê de Sousa
- Jacob van Etten
- Aniruddha Ghosh
- Pete Peterson
- William Ashmall
- Svein Ø. Solberg
- Christophe Gigot
- Katrin Leinweber
- Zhian N. Kamvar
- Jari Oksanen
- Austin G. McCoy
- Zachary Noel
- Martin Chilvers
- Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee
- Project GREEEN
- North Central Soybean Research Program
- GRDC Project DAQ00186
- Phillip D. Alderman
- Fernando Miguez
- Gergely Daróczi
- Scott Chamberlain
- Maëlle Salmon
- Hazel Kavili
- Alison Boyer
- Aleksandar Blagotić
- Mark Padgham
- Sam Rogers
- Jonathan Carroll
- James Goldie
- Rodrigo Pires
- Laurens Geffert
- Anna Hepworth
- Rebecca O'Leary
- Dean Marchiori
- Keith Pembleton
- Max Moldovan
- Jimmy Ng
- Steve Collins