Cory McCartan
Author of 14 CRAN packages
Cory McCartan has 14 packages under their belt. That's not just dedication, it's a passion for coding! Cory McCartan collaborated with 14 other developers. That's like an entire class of coding geniuses coming together!
14 Packages
- PL94171Tabulate P.L. 94-171 Redistricting Data Summary Files
- alarmdataDownload, Merge, and Process Redistricting Data
- bafBlock Assignment Files
- birdieBayesian Instrumental Regression for Disparity Estimation
- conformalbayesJackknife(+) Predictive Intervals for Bayesian Models
- easycensusQuickly Find, Extract, and Marginalize U.S. Census Tables
- geomanderGeographic Tools for Studying Gerrymandering
- ggredistScales, Geometries, and Extensions of 'ggplot2' for Election Mapping
- planscorerScore Redistricting Plans with 'PlanScore'
- redistSimulation Methods for Legislative Redistricting
- redistmetricsRedistricting Metrics
- redistverseEasily Install and Load Redistricting Software
- tinytigerLightweight Interface to TIGER/Line Shapefiles
- wacolorsColorblind-Friendly Palettes from Washington State