Hadley Wickham
Author of 173 CRAN packages
Hadley Wickham has been on fire, working on 173 packages to date. Honestly, does Hadley Wickham even sleep? This is some serious dedication! Hadley Wickham worked with over 926 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
173 Packages
- DBIR Database Interface
- DescToolsTools for Descriptive Statistics
- DescribeDisplayAn Interface to the 'DescribeDisplay' 'GGobi' Plugin
- GGallyExtension to 'ggplot2'
- HistDataData Sets from the History of Statistics and Data Visualization
- RInnoAn Installation Framework for Shiny Apps
- RMariaDBDatabase Interface and MariaDB Driver
- RMySQLDatabase Interface and 'MySQL' Driver for R
- RPostgresC++ Interface to PostgreSQL
- RSQLiteSQLite Interface for R
- Rd2roxygenConvert Rd to 'Roxygen' Documentation
- S7An Object Oriented System Meant to Become a Successor to S3 and S4
- analogseaInterface to 'DigitalOcean'
- animint2Animated Interactive Grammar of Graphics
- annotaterAnnotate Package Load Calls
- anyflightsQuery 'nycflights13'-Like Air Travel Data for Given Years and Airports
- assertthatEasy Pre and Post Assertions
- autoMrPImproving MrP with Ensemble Learning
- babynamesUS Baby Names 1880-2017
- bigrqueryAn Interface to Google's 'BigQuery' 'API'
- blobA Simple S3 Class for Representing Vectors of Binary Data ('BLOBS')
- bookdownAuthoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown
- broomConvert Statistical Objects into Tidy Tibbles
- cellrangerTranslate Spreadsheet Cell Ranges to Rows and Columns
- classiflyExplore Classification Models in High Dimensions
- cliHelpers for Developing Command Line Interfaces
- conflictedAn Alternative Conflict Resolution Strategy
- cubelyrA Data Cube 'dplyr' Backend
- curlA Modern and Flexible Web Client for R
- damrInterface to Drosophila Activity Monitor System Result Files
- data.tableExtension of 'data.frame'
- dbplyrA 'dplyr' Back End for Databases
- devtoolsTools to Make Developing R Packages Easier
- diffviewerHTML Widget to Show File Differences
- downlitSyntax Highlighting and Automatic Linking
- dplyrA Grammar of Data Manipulation
- dtplyrData Table Back-End for 'dplyr'
- ellipsisTools for Working with ...
- emojiData and Function to Work with Emojis
- evaluateParsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the Default
- fastverseA Suite of High-Performance Packages for Statistics and Data Manipulation
- featherR Bindings to the Feather 'API'
- forcatsTools for Working with Categorical Variables (Factors)
- fsCross-Platform File System Operations Based on 'libuv'
- fueleconomyEPA Fuel Economy Data
- gargleUtilities for Working with Google APIs
- gdtoolsUtilities for Graphical Rendering and Fonts Management
- genericsCommon S3 Generics not Provided by Base R Methods Related to Model Fitting
- geozooZoo of Geometric Objects
- ggOceanMapsPlot Data on Oceanographic Maps using 'ggplot2'
- ggmapSpatial Visualization with ggplot2
- ggmosaicMosaic Plots in the 'ggplot2' Framework
- ggparty'ggplot' Visualizations for the 'partykit' Package
- ggplot2Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics
- ggplot2moviesMovies Data
- ggstanceHorizontal 'ggplot2' Components
- ggthemesExtra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2'
- ggvisInteractive Grammar of Graphics
- gh'GitHub' 'API'
- gtableArrange 'Grobs' in Tables
- havenImport and Export 'SPSS', 'Stata' and 'SAS' Files
- hflightsFlights that departed Houston in 2011
- highlightSyntax Highlighter
- hipreadRead Hierarchical Fixed Width Files
- httrTools for Working with URLs and HTTP
- httr2Perform HTTP Requests and Process the Responses
- isobandGenerate Isolines and Isobands from Regularly Spaced Elevation Grids
- iterorsFast, Compact Iterators and Tools
- itertoolsIterator Tools
- knitrA General-Purpose Package for Dynamic Report Generation in R
- knitrProgressBarProvides Progress Bars in 'knitr'
- labelledManipulating Labelled Data
- lazyevalLazy (Non-Standard) Evaluation
- leafletCreate Interactive Web Maps with the JavaScript 'Leaflet' Library
- lemonFreshing Up your 'ggplot2' Plots
- lestVectorised Nested if-else Statements Similar to CASE WHEN in 'SQL'
- lifecycleManage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions
- lobstrVisualize R Data Structures with Trees
- loggerA Lightweight, Modern and Flexible Logging Utility
- lubridateMake Dealing with Dates a Little Easier
- lvplotLetter Value 'Boxplots'
- magrittrA Forward-Pipe Operator for R
- meiflyInteractive Model Exploration using 'GGobi'
- meltrRead Non-Rectangular Text Data
- memoise'Memoisation' of Functions
- mintyMinimal Type Guesser
- mockeryMocking Library for R
- modelrModelling Functions that Work with the Pipe
- multidplyrA Multi-Process 'dplyr' Backend
- multiverseCreate 'multiverse analysis' in R
- nasaweatherCollection of datasets from the ASA 2006 data expo
- nestedmodelsTidy Modelling for Nested Data
- nlmixr2estNonlinear Mixed Effects Models in Population PK/PD, Estimation Routines
- nullaborTools for Graphical Inference
- nycflights13Flights that Departed NYC in 2013
- nycflights23Flights and Other Useful Metadata for NYC Outbound Flights in 2023
- odbcConnect to ODBC Compatible Databases (using the DBI Interface)
- pakAnother Approach to Package Installation
- partoolsTools for the 'Parallel' Package
- pillarColoured Formatting for Columns
- pinsPin, Discover, and Share Resources
- pkgbuildFind Tools Needed to Build R Packages
- pkgdownMake Static HTML Documentation for a Package
- pkgloadSimulate Package Installation and Attach
- plotrixVarious Plotting Functions
- plumbrMutable and Dynamic Data Models
- plyrTools for Splitting, Applying and Combining Data
- poolObject Pooling
- potoolsTools for Internationalization and Portability in R Packages
- powerjoinExtensions of 'dplyr' and 'fuzzyjoin' Join Functions
- prettydocCreating Pretty Documents from R Markdown
- productplotsProduct Plots for R
- profrAn Alternative Display for Profiling Information
- profvisInteractive Visualizations for Profiling R Code
- protoPrototype Object-Based Programming
- pryrTools for Computing on the Language
- purrrFunctional Programming Tools
- purrrlyrTools at the Intersection of 'purrr' and 'dplyr'
- rJavaEnv'Java' Environments for R Projects
- rappdirsApplication Directories: Determine Where to Save Data, Caches, and Logs
- readrRead Rectangular Text Data
- readxlRead Excel Files
- recipesPreprocessing and Feature Engineering Steps for Modeling
- remotesR Package Installation from Remote Repositories, Including 'GitHub'
- renvProject Environments
- reprexPrepare Reproducible Example Code via the Clipboard
- reshapeFlexibly Reshape Data
- reshape2Flexibly Reshape Data: A Reboot of the Reshape Package
- rlangFunctions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features
- rmarkdownDynamic Documents for R
- roxutDocument Unit Tests Roxygen-Style
- roxygen2In-Line Documentation for R
- rsampleGeneral Resampling Infrastructure
- rsconnectDeploy Docs, Apps, and APIs to 'Posit Connect', 'shinyapps.io', and 'RPubs'
- rstudioapiSafely Access the RStudio API
- rticlesArticle Formats for R Markdown
- rtweetCollecting Twitter Data
- rvestEasily Harvest (Scrape) Web Pages
- rxode2Facilities for Simulating from ODE-Based Models
- scalesScale Functions for Visualization
- sessioninfoR Session Information
- sfSimple Features for R
- shinyhttrProgress Bars for Downloads in 'shiny' Apps
- shinytestTest Shiny Apps
- shinytest2Testing for Shiny Applications
- skimrCompact and Flexible Summaries of Data
- sloopHelpers for 'OOP' in R
- spectaclesStoring, Manipulating and Analysis Spectroscopy and Associated Data
- ssdtoolsSpecies Sensitivity Distributions
- stevemiscSteve's Miscellaneous Functions
- stringrSimple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations
- stringstaticDependency-Free String Operations
- svgliteAn 'SVG' Graphics Device
- testthatUnit Testing for R
- tibbleSimple Data Frames
- tidymodelsEasily Install and Load the 'Tidymodels' Packages
- tidyncA Tidy Approach to 'NetCDF' Data Exploration and Extraction
- tidyrTidy Messy Data
- tidyselectSelect from a Set of Strings
- tidyverseEasily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse'
- tidyxlRead Untidy Excel Files
- tourrTour Methods for Multivariate Data Visualisation
- unigdUniversal Graphics Device
- unjoinSeparate a Data Frame by Normalization
- vctrsVector Helpers
- vroomRead and Write Rectangular Text Data Quickly
- waldoFind Differences Between R Objects
- wesandersonA Wes Anderson Palette Generator
- withrRun Code 'With' Temporarily Modified Global State
- xml2Parse XML
- yamlMethods to Convert R Data to YAML and Back
- yesnoAsk Yes-No Questions
- usethisAutomate Package and Project Setup
- Kirill Müller
- R Special Interest Group on Databases (R-SIG-DB)
- R Consortium
- Achim Zeileis
- Torsten Hothorn
- Max Kuhn
- Karline Soetaert
- Dirk Eddelbuettel
- Hong Ooi
- Klaus Nordhausen
- Martin Maechler
- Luis Torgo
- Daniel Wollschlaeger
- Andri Signorell
- John Verzani
- Stefan Wellek
- Derek Ogle
- Michael Friendly
- Bill Venables
- Matthias Kohl
- Arni Magnusson
- Christopher Jackson
- Nicholas Cooper
- Stephane Champely
- Alec Stephenson
- Detlew Labes
- Ralph Scherer
- Ben Bolker
- John Fox
- Romain Francois
- Joseph Wood
- Kevin Ushey
- David Meyer
- Joshua Ulrich
- Greg Snow
- Thomas Yee
- Matthias Templ
- Tony Plate
- Hans W. Borchers
- Sandrine Pavoine
- Ken Aho
- Nick Parsons
- Terry Therneau
- Danielle Navarro
- Andreas Alfons
- Venkatraman E. Seshan
- Jim Lemon
- Tal Galili
- Ralf Stubner
- Mark Stevenson
- Adrian Baddeley
- Gregory R. Warnes
- Michael Dewey
- Matthias Gamer
- Claus Ekstrom
- Yulia R. Gel
- Tyler Rinker
- Martin Elff
- Werner A. Stahel
- William Revelle
- Frederico Caeiro
- Alina Matei
- Mikko Korpela
- Vilmantas Gegzna
- Giovanni Millo
- Jeff Enos
- Ben Mainwaring
- George Marsaglia
- Duncan Temple Lang
- Nanina Anderegg
- Tomas Aragon
- Chandima Arachchige
- Antti Arppe
- Kamil Barton
- Daniel Chessel
- Leanne Chhay
- Clint Cummins
- Harold C. Doran
- Stephane Dray
- Charles Dupont
- Richard W. Farebrother
- Joseph L. Gastwirth
- Sereina Graber
- Juergen Gross
- Gabor Grothendieck
- Frank E. Harrell Jr
- Richard Heiberger
- Michael Hoehle
- Christian W. Hoffmann
- Soeren Hojsgaard
- Markus Huerzeler
- Wallace W. Hui
- Pete Hurd
- Rob J. Hyndman
- Friederich Leisch
- Dong Li
- Daniel Malter
- John Marsaglia
- Weiwen Miao
- Yongyi Min
- David Mitchell
- Cyril Flurin Moser
- Franziska Mueller
- Markus Naepflin
- Henric Nilsson
- Luke Prendergast
- Roland Rapold
- Brian D. Ripley
- Caroline Rodriguez
- Nathan Russell
- Nick Sabbe
- Michael Smithson
- Yves Tille
- Adrian Trapletti
- Jeremy VanDerWal
- Pablo J. Villacorta Iglesias
- Rand R. Wilcox
- Peter Wolf
- Ying Wu
- Dianne Cook
- Barret Schloerke
- Andreas Buja
- Moritz Marbach
- Joseph Larmarange
- Heike Hofmann
- Ott Toomet
- Di Cook
- Edwin Thoen
- Francois Briatte
- Amos Elberg
- Jason Crowley
- Monique Graf
- Peter Li
- James Hanley
- Dennis Murphy
- Luiz Droubi
- James Riley
- Antoine de Falguerolles
- Neville Verlander
- Brian Clair
- Jim Oeppen
- David Bellhouse
- Winston Chang
- Jon Hill
- Gábor Csárdi
- Jim Hester
- Martin Morgan
- RStudio
- W. Lee Pang
- Hanjo Odendaal
- William Bradley
- Brent (Tom) Bailey
- Mikolaj Rybinski
- Chase Clark
- Damien Soukhavong
- Jonathan Godfrey
- Dan Tenenbaum
- Mango Solutions
- Jeroen Ooms
- Jeffrey Horner
- David James
- Saikat DebRoy
- Tomoaki Nishiyama
- David A. James
- Seth Falcon
- D. Richard Hipp
- Dan Kennedy
- Joe Mistachkin
- SQLite Authors
- Liam Healy
- Yihui Xie
- Tomasz Kalinowski
- Davis Vaughan
- Luke Tierney
- Michael Lawrence
- Object-Oriented Programming Working Group
- Will Landau
- Mauricio Vargas
- Scott Chamberlain
- Bob Rudis
- Bryce Mecum
- DigitalOcean
- Carson Sievert
- Toby Hocking
- Jun Cai
- Biplab Sutradhar
- Nicholas Lewin-Koh
- Randall Prium
- Susan VanderPlas
- Kevin Ferris
- Faizan Khan
- Vivek Kumar
- Himanshu Singh
- Yufan Fei
- Jocelyne Chen
- Siddhesh Deodhar
- Luis D. Verde Arregoitia
- Juan Cruz Rodriguez
- Simon P. Couch
- Jay Lee
- Dennis Irorere
- Lucas Leemann
- Philipp Broniecki
- Reto Wüest
- Florian Schaffner
- Jennifer Bryan
- Posit Software, PBC
- Pedro Rafael D. Marinho
- Bastiaan Quast
- Yixuan Qiu
- Dean Attali
- Michal Bojanowski
- Ben Marwick
- Sahir Bhatnagar
- Atsushi Yasumoto
- Matthew Lincoln
- Michael Sachs
- Christophe Dervieux
- Thierry Onkelinx
- Frans van Dunne
- Kim Seonghyun
- JJ Allaire
- Luciano Selzer
- Nathan Werth
- Chester Ismay
- Alessandro Samuel-Rosa
- Jeff Allen
- JooYoung Seo
- Bartek Szopka
- Albert Kim
- Andrzej Oles
- Aust Frederik
- Clifton Franklund
- Daniel Emaasit
- David Shuman
- Drew Tyre
- Ellis Valentiner
- Jonathan McPhers
- Joyce Robbins
- Junwen Huang
- Kevin Cheung
- Kirill Muller
- Maximilian Held
- Noam Ross
- Peter Hickey
- Romain Lesur
- Shir Dekel
- Steve Simpson
- Vincent Fulco
- Zhuoer Dong
- Zeno Rocha
- MathQuill contributors
- FriendCode Inc
- Henrik Bengtsson
- Matthew Kay
- Jasper Cooper
- Alessandro Gasparini
- Alex Hayes
- Luke Johnston
- Bill Denney
- Tyler Littlefield
- Vincent Arel-Bundock
- David Hugh-Jones
- Jonah Gabry
- Wilson Freitas
- Simon Couch
- Dieter Menne
- Nick Williams
- Daniel D. Sjoberg
- Karissa Whiting
- Greg Macfarlane
- Roger Bivand
- Taren Sanders
- Nic Crane
- Brenton M. Wiernik
- Alex Reinhart
- Nicholas Williams
- Shiro Kuriwaki
- Derek Chiu
- James Martherus
- Lukasz Komsta
- Jorge Cimentada
- Grant McDermott
- David Robinson
- Jason Cory Brunson
- Malcolm Barrett
- Indrajeet Patil
- Erwan Le Pennec
- Kevin Zarca
- Aaron Jacobs
- Ben Schneider
- Brian Fannin
- Hao Zhu
- Benjamin Nutter
- Yves Rosseel
- Annie Wang
- Andreas Bender
- Frederik Aust
- Matthieu Stigler
- Matt Lehman
- Ilaria Prosdocimi
- Lukas Wallrich
- Josh Yamamoto
- Matthieu Gomez
- Marius Barth
- Bruna Wundervald
- Lily Medina
- Jeffrey Arnold
- Andrew Bates
- Karl Dunkle Werner
- Boris Demeshev
- Gavin Simpson
- Jens Preussner
- Jay Hesselberth
- Frederick Novometsky
- Michelle Evans
- Simon Jackson
- Ben Whalley
- Michael Kuehn
- Erle Holgersen
- Ethan Christensen
- Steven Pav
- Paul PJ
- Patrick Kennedy
- Jason Muhlenkamp
- Hideaki Hayashi
- Luis Tobalina
- Wei Yang Tham
- Clara Wang
- Abby Smith
- E Auden Krauska
- Alex Wang
- Charles Gray
- Jared Wilber
- Eduard Szoecs
- Angus Moore
- Joyce Cahoon
- Chuliang Xiao
- Hakon Malmedal
- Sergio Oller
- Luke Sonnet
- Bernie Gray
- Mara Averick
- Sven Templer
- Paul-Christian Buerkner
- Johan Junkka
- Benjamin Soltoff
- Zoe Wilkinson Saldana
- Charles T. Gray
- Shabbh E. Banks
- Serina Robinson
- Riinu Ots
- Nina Jakobsen
- Michael Weylandt
- Lisa Lendway
- Karl Hailperin
- Josue Rodriguez
- Jenny Bryan
- Chris Jarvis
- Brian Mannakee
- Shreyas Singh
- Laurens Geffert
- Eduard Szocs
- Hugo Tavares
- R. Willem Vervoort
- Jasme Lee
- Salim Brüggemann
- Quentin Geissmann
- Hugh Parsonage
- Michel Lang
- Scott Ritchie
- Michael Czekanski
- Iago Giné-Vázquez
- Benjamin Schwendinger
- Dmitry Selivanov
- Ivan Krylov
- Karl Broman
- Tony Fischetti
- Anthony Damico
- Tyson Barrett
- Anirban Chetia
- Xianying Tan
- Kun Ren
- Michael Chirico
- Morgan Jacob
- Daniel Possenriede
- Michael Quinn
- Nello Blaser
- Manish Saraswat
- Seth Wenchel
- Tobias Schmidt
- Matt Dowle
- Arun Srinivasan
- Jan Gorecki
- Josh O'Brien
- Leonardo Silvestri
- Ofek Shilon
- Tom Short
- Xianghui Dong
- Pasha Stetsenko
- Steve Lianoglou
- Eduard Antonyan
- Markus Bonsch
- Rick Saporta
- Otto Seiskari
- Watal Iwasaki
- David Arenburg
- Ethan Smith
- Francois Cocquemas
- Philippe Chataignon
- Andrey Riabushenko
- Cheng Lee
- Declan Groves
- Felipe Parages
- Denes Toth
- Mus Yaramaz-David
- Ayappan Perumal
- James Sams
- @javrucebo
- @marc-outins
- Roy Storey
- Michael Schubmehl
- Sebastian Freundt
- David Simons
- Elliott Sales de Andrade
- Cole Miller
- Jens Peder Meldgaard
- Vaclav Tlapak
- Vadim Khotilovich
- Bennet Becker
- Kyle Haynes
- Boniface Christian Kamgang
- Olivier Delmarcell
- Dereck de Mezquita
- Dmitry Shemetov
- Nitish Jha
- Joshua Wu
- Doris Amoakohene
- Edgar Ruiz
- Maximilian Girlich
- Joshua Kunst
- Paul Fitzpatrick
- Rodrigo Fernandes
- JQuery Foundation
- Kevin Decker
- Matthew Holt
- Huddle
- Lionel Henry
- Romain François
- Ryan Dickerson
- Mark Fairbanks
- Emil Hvitfeldt
- Karolis Koncevičius
- Hiroaki Yutani
- Thomas Kluyver
- Adam Ryczkowski
- Sebastian Krantz
- Google
- Feather developers
- LevelDB Authors
- libuv project contributors
- Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors
- Google Inc
- Craig Citro
- David Gohel
- R Core Team
- ArData
- Mikko Vihtakari
- David Kahle
- Scott Jackson
- Haley Jeppson
- Thomas Lin Pedersen
- Martin Borkovec
- Kara Woo
- Claus Wilke
- Kohske Takahashi
- Niyaz Madin
- Dewey Dunnington
- Teun van den Brand
- Posit, PBC
- Gergely Daroczi
- Jeffrey B. Arnold
- Bo Werth
- Brian Weitzner
- Baptise Auguie
- Justin Talbot
- Joshua London
- Mike Bostock
- jQuery Foundation
- jQuery contributors
- Posit
- jQuery UI contributors
- D3 contributors
- Trifacta Inc.
- Vega contributors
- Sebastián Décima
- Danny Smith
- Evan Miller
- Andre Simon
- Mark Padgham
- Greg Freedman Ellis
- Derek Burk
- Joe Grover
- Jukka Jylänki
- Mikkel Jørgensen
- University of Minnesota
- Claus O. Wilke
- Folashade Daniel
- Steve Weston
- Peter Meilstrup
- John A. Ramey
- Revolution Analytics
- Kayla Schaefer
- Joe Cheng
- Sagiru Mati
- Wush Wu
- Frank E Harrell Jr
- Karl Forner
- Duncan Murdoch
- Doug Hemken
- Heewon Jeon
- John Muschelli
- Zhian N. Kamvar
- Ian Lyttle
- Jonathan Keane
- David Hall
- Aaron Wolen
- Scott Kostyshak
- Ellis Hughes
- Jonathan Sidi
- Johannes Ranke
- Garrick Aden-Buie
- Kaiyin Zhong
- Marius Hofert
- Taiyun Wei
- Pavel N. Krivitsky
- Julien Barnier
- Pedro Faria
- Elio Campitelli
- Kamil Slowikowski
- Alex Zvoleff
- Sebastian Meyer
- Jacob Bien
- Bulat Yapparov
- Abhraneel Sarma
- Aron Atkins
- Lorenz Walthert
- Emily Riederer
- Richard Cotton
- Jared Lander
- Ramnath Vaidyanathan
- Thomas Leeper
- Weicheng Zhu
- Zachary Foster
- Kirill Mueller
- Javier Luraschi
- Ben Baumer
- Martin Modrák
- Forest Fang
- Robert Krzyzanowski
- Tim Mastny
- Brian Diggs
- Niels Richard Hansen
- Qiang Li
- Adam Vogt
- Alastair Andrew
- Amar Al-Zubaidi
- Ashley Manton
- Brian Zhang
- Cassio Pereira
- Fabian Hirschmann
- Fitch Simeon
- Gregoire Detrez
- Hodges Daniel
- Jake Burkhead
- James Manton
- Jason Punyon
- Jeff Arnold
- Jeremy Ashkenas
- Jeremy Stephens
- John Honaker
- Johan Toloe
- Kevin K. Smith
- Lucas Gallindo
- Michel Kuhlmann
- Miller Patrick
- Nacho Caballero
- Nick Salkowski
- Obada Mahdi
- Rodrigo Copetti
- Ruaridh Williamson
- Sietse Brouwer
- Simon de Bernard
- Sylvain Rousseau
- Thibaut Assus
- Thibaut Lamadon
- Tom Torsney-Weir
- Trevor Davis
- Viktoras Veitas
- Robert M Flight
- François Briatte
- Daniel Ludecke
- Bhaskar Karambelkar
- Kenton Russell
- Michael Bostock
- Vladimir Agafonkin
- Mapbox
- Kent Johnson
- Daniel Montague
- CloudMade
- Leaflet contributors
- Brandon Copeland
- Joerg Dietrich
- Benjamin Becquet
- Norkart AS
- L. Voogdt
- Kartena AB
- Robert Kajic
- Stefan McKinnon Edwards
- Baptiste Auguie
- Shaun Jackman
- Stefan Fleck
- Gergely Daróczi
- System1
- Chel Hee Lee
- Imanuel Costigan
- Vitalie Spinu
- Garrett Grolemund
- Jason Law
- Doug Mitarotonda
- Jonathan Boiser
- Stefan Milton Bache
- Duncan Garmonsway
- https://github.com/mandreyel/
- Mark Edmondson
- Daniel Cook
- Chung-hong Chan
- Shelby Bearrows
- David Olson
- Noam Finkelstein
- Lukasz Bartnik
- Nathan Taback
- Mark Miller
- Michael Moon
- Kyle Hwang
- Alex Kale
- Fanny Chevalier
- Jessica Hullman
- Pierre Dragicevic
- Yvonne Jansen
- Ashby Thorpe
- Katharine Mullen
- David Ardia
- Matthew Fidler
- Richard Hooijmaijers
- Ben Goodrich
- Marc Lavielle
- Emmanuelle Comets
- Justin Wilkins
- Wenping Wang
- Yuan Xiong
- Rik Schoemaker
- Mirjam Trame
- Teun Post
- Robert Leary
- Mason McComb
- Vipul Mann
- Mahmoud Abdelwahab
- Johannes Pfeifer
- Robert B. Schnabel
- Elizabeth Eskow
- Audrey Lavenu
- Niladri Roy Chowdhury
- Google Inc.
- Oliver Gjoneski
- lexicalunit
- Maëlle Salmon
- Rich Geldreich
- Jay Loden
- Dave Daeschler
- Giampaolo Rodola
- Ascent Digital Services
- Lloyd Hilaiel
- Michel Berkelaar and lpSolve authors
- Kuba Podgórski
- Norm Matloff
- Clark Fitzgerald
- Alex Rumbaugh
- Julia Silge
- Olivier Roy
- R Core team
- Carl Witthoft
- Rolf Turner
- Ulrike Groemping
- Thomas Petzoldt
- Christophe Dutang
- Henrik Singmann
- Remko Duursma
- Peter Solymos
- Barry Rowlingson
- Olivier Eterradossi
- Ofir Levy
- Sander Oom
- Eduardo Klein
- Anupam Tyagi
- Michael Toews
- John Kane
- Julian Stander
- Elisa Biancotto
- Robby Engelmann
- Michael Hecker
- Felix Steinbeck
- Hans Borchers
- Ted Toal
- Darshan Baral
- The CRAN Team
- Barbara Borges
- Antoine Fabri
- Steve Matteson
- Jason Long
- Renyuan Zou
- Michael Rose
- Emily Eisenberg
- Sophie Alpert
- Ivan Sagalaev
- Timothy Mastny
- Louis Kates
- Egor Kotov
- Gregory Jefferis
- Gabor Csardi
- Sridhar Ratnakumar
- Trent Mick
- ActiveState
- Eddy Petrisor
- Marcin Kalicinski
- Komarov Valery
- Christophe Leitienne
- Bob Colbert
- David Hoerl
- Yann Collet
- mikefc
- Richard Iannone
- Rob Hyndman
- Ruben Arslan
- Mark Otto
- Bootstrap contributors
- Twitter, Inc
- John MacFarlane
- Jacob Thornton
- Dave Gandy
- Google, Inc.
- Jonathan McPherson
- Andrew Dunning
- Devon Ryan
- Alexander Farkas
- Scott Jehl
- Greg Franko
- Dave Raggett
- W3C
- Ben Sperry
- Drifty
- Aidan Lister
- Benct Philip Jonsson
- Albert Krewinkel
- Bryan A. Hanson
- Peter Danenberg
- Claudia Beleites
- Manuel Eugster
- Hannah Frick
- Michael Mahoney
- Fanny Chow
- Toph Allen
- Gary Ritchie
- David M. Kaplan
- Carl Boettiger
- Robrecht Cannoodt
- Sebastian Kreutzer
- Randall Pruim
- Tom Palmer
- Shixiang Wang
- Oliver Keyes
- Alfredo Hernández
- Oğuzhan Öğreden
- Alvaro Uzaheta
- Dominik Leutnant
- Charlotte Wickham
- Marc-Andre Desautels
- Dmytro Perepolkin
- Stefano Coretta
- R Foundation
- Miao Yu
- Association for Computing Machinery
- Journal of Statistical Software
- Elsevier
- Taylor and Francis
- Dalton Hance
- Daniel Nüst
- Petter Uvesten
- Duncan Luguern
- Callum Arnold
- Lluís Revilla Sancho
- Andrew Heiss
- Michael W. Kearney
- Omar Elashkar
- David Cooley
- Drew Schmidt
- Matteo Fasiolo
- Matthew L. Fidler
- Jack Dongarra
- Jim Bunch
- Cleve Moler
- Gilbert Stewart
- Ernst Hairer
- Gerhard Wanner
- Gabriel Staples
- Simon Frost
- Roger B. Sidje
- Alan Hindmarsh
- Awad H. Al-Mohy
- Goro Fuji
- Igor Kushnir
- Linda Petzold
- Melissa Hallow
- Morwenn
- Nicholas J. Higham
- Richard Upton
- Yu Feng
- Zufar Mulyukov
- Dana Seidel
- Robert Flight
- Michael Sumner
- Robin Lovelace
- Edzer Pebesma
- Ian Cook
- Tim Keitt
- Etienne Racine
- Dan Baston
- Athos Damiani
- David Zimmermann
- Patrick Schratz
- Kyle Butts
- Elin Waring
- Harris McGehee
- Amelia McNamara
- Eduardo Arino de la Rubia
- Julia Lowndes
- Shannon Ellis
- Hope McLeod
- RStudio, Inc.
- Connor Kirkpatrick
- Scott Brenstuhl
- lbusett
- Jennifer Thompson
- Mark Roepke
- Bastian Torges
- Henry Morgan Stewart
- Kristian Hovde Liland
- Pierre Roudier
- Bjorn-Helge Mevik
- Raphael Viscarra Rossel
- Carl Schwarz
- Rebecca Fisher
- Andy Teucher
- Joe Thorley
- Nan-Hung Hsieh
- Stephanie Hazlitt
- Province of British Columbia
- Nadine Hussein
- Seb Dalgarno
- David Fox
- Angeline Tillmanns
- Kathleen McTavish
- Heather Thompson
- Doug Spry
- Rick van Dam
- Graham Batley
- Tony Bigwood
- Ali Azizishirazi
- Sarah Lyons
- Sergio Ibarra Espinosa
- Emilie Doussantousse
- Environment and Climate Change Canada
- Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
- Brian Ripley
- Dave Armstrong
- Steve Miller
- Andreas Beger
- Gerko Vink
- Pascal van Kooten
- Paul Williamson
- Alexander Rossell Hayes
- Eli Pousson
- Matthieu Decorde
- Håkon Malmedal
- T Jake Luciani
- Vaudor Lise
- Patrick Van Laake
- Tim Lucas
- Jakub Nowosad
- Simon Wotherspoon
- Ben Raymond
- Tomas Remenyi
- Adrian Odenweller
- Fabian Bernhard
- H. Sherry Zhang
- Stuart Lee
- Ursula Laa
- Nick Spyrison
- Florian Rupprecht
- Tatsuya Shima
- Victor Zverovich
- Andrzej Krzemienski
- Brett Robinson
- Michael D. Sumner
- data.table team
- Karthik Ram
- Clark Richards
- Aaron Baggett
- Will Beasley
- Charlie Gao
- Shawn P Garbett
- Kirill Simonov
- reikoch
- Brendan O'Connor
- Ayla Pearson