Jakob Raymaekers
Author of 7 CRAN packages
Jakob Raymaekers has been quite busy, working on 7 packages. You could say Jakob Raymaekers is on a coding spree! Keep up the great work! Jakob Raymaekers teamed up with 14 others, making it a large and lively crew of coders. The synergy must have been amazing!
7 Packages
- cellWiseAnalyzing Data with Cellwise Outliers
- classmapVisualizing Classification Results
- clusterHDTools for Clustering High-Dimensional Data
- mcrMethod Comparison Regression
- mcrPiodaMethod Comparison Regression - Mcr Fork for M- And MM-Deming Regression
- mrfDepthDepth Measures in Multivariate, Regression and Functional Settings
- robslopesFast Algorithms for Robust Slopes