Jorge Nocedal
Author of 12 CRAN packages
Jorge Nocedal has 12 packages under their belt. That's not just dedication, it's a passion for coding! Jorge Nocedal teamed up with 87 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
12 Packages
- BRISCFast Inference for Large Spatial Datasets using BRISC
- BTSRBounded Time Series Regression
- ExhaustiveSearchA Fast and Scalable Exhaustive Feature Selection Framework
- cmfrecCollective Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems
- crfsuiteConditional Random Fields for Labelling Sequential Data in Natural Language Processing
- gibasaAn Alternative 'Rcpp' Wrapper of 'MeCab'
- gpboostCombining Tree-Boosting with Gaussian Process and Mixed Effects Models
- lbfgsLimited-memory BFGS Optimization
- lbfgsb3cLimited Memory BFGS Minimizer with Bounds on Parameters with optim() 'C' Interface
- lvmcompStochastic EM Algorithms for Latent Variable Models with a High-Dimensional Latent Space
- rIsingHigh-Dimensional Ising Model Selection
- rlibkrigingKriging Models using the 'libKriging' Library
- Arkajyoti Saha
- Abhirup Datta
- Naoaki Okazaki
- Lukas M. Weber
- Taiane Schaedler Prass
- Cleve Moler
- Alan Miller
- Guilherme Pumi
- Fábio Mariano Bayer
- Jack Joseph Dongarra
- Gilbert Wright Stewart
- Ciyou Zhu
- Richard H. Byrd
- Jose Luis Morales
- Peihuang Lu-Chen
- John Burkardt
- B.E. Schneider
- Alfred H. Morris
- D.E. Shaw
- Robert W.M. Wedderburn
- Jason Blevins
- Brian Wichman
- David Hill
- Hiroshi Takano
- George Marsaglia
- Jean-Michel Brankart
- Steve Kifowit
- Donald E. Knuth
- Catherine Loader
- Rudolf Jagdhuber
- David Cortes
- David Blackman
- Sebastiano Vigna
- NumPy Developers
- Jan Wijffels
- Bob Jenkins
- Jesse Long
- Akiru Kato
- Taku Kudo
- Shogo Ichinose
- Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation
- Yixuan Qiu
- Fabio Sigrist
- James Lamb
- Gael Guennebaud
- Timothy A. Davis
- Jitse Niesen
- Damien Soukhavong
- Daniel Lemire
- Jay Loden
- Dave Daeschler
- Giampaolo Rodola
- Microsoft Corporation
- Victor Zverovich
- Dropbox, Inc.
- Tim Gyger
- Pascal Kuendig
- Benoit Jacob
- Nicolas Carre
- Pierre Zoppitelli
- Gauthier Brun
- Jean Ceccato
- Other authors of Eigen for the included version of Eigen
- Guolin Ke
- Other authors of LightGBM for the included version of LightGBM
- Alberto Ferreira
- IBM Corporation
- Keith O'Hara
- Stephen L. Moshier
- Dirk Toewe
- Katharine Mullen
- David Ardia
- Dirk Eddelbuettel
- Antonio Coppola
- Brandon Stewart
- John C Nash
- Matthew L Fidler
- Richard Byrd
- Siliang Zhang
- Yunxiao Chen
- Pratik Ramprasad
- Yann Richet
- Yves Deville
- Conrad Sanderson
- Mike Smith
- Pascal Havé