Kevin R. Coombes
Author of 26 CRAN packages
Kevin R. Coombes has been on fire, working on 26 packages to date. Honestly, does Kevin R. Coombes even sleep? This is some serious dedication! Kevin R. Coombes has collaborated with a whopping 36 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
26 Packages
- BimodalIndexThe Bimodality Index
- CEDACRISPR Screen and Gene Expression Differential Analysis
- ClassDiscoveryClasses and Methods for "Class Discovery" with Microarrays or Proteomics
- CloneSeekerSeeking and Finding Clones in Copy Number and Sequencing Data
- CrossValidateClasses and Methods for Cross Validation of "Class Prediction" Algorithms
- GenAlgoClasses and Methods to Use Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection
- MercatorClustering and Visualizing Distance Matrices
- ModelerClasses and Methods for Training and Using Binary Prediction Models
- NameNeedleUsing Needleman-Wunsch to Match Sample Names
- NewmanOmicsExtending the Newman Studentized Range Statistic to Transcriptomics
- PCDimensionFinding the Number of Significant Principal Components
- PolychromeQualitative Palettes with Many Colors
- PreProcessBasic Functions for Pre-Processing Microarrays
- RCytoGPSUsing Cytogenetics Data in R
- RPPASPACEReverse-Phase Protein Array Super Position and Concentration Evaluation
- RPointCloudVisualizing Topological Loops and Voids
- SIBERGSystematic Identification of Bimodally Expressed Genes Using RNAseq Data
- SillyPuttySilly Putty Clustering
- TailRankThe Tail-Rank Statistic
- ThresherThreshing and Reaping for Principal Components
- WayFindRComputing Graph Structures on WikiPathways
- oompaBaseClass Unions, Matrix Operations, and Color Schemes for OOMPA
- oompaDataData to Illustrate OOMPA Algorithms
- plasmaPartial LeAst Squares for Multiomic Analysis
- ClassComparisonClasses and Methods for "Class Comparison" Problems on Microarrays
- UmpireSimulating Realistic Gene Expression and Clinical Data
- Lianbo Yu
- Yue Zhao
- Lang Li
- Mark Zucker
- Caitlin E. Coombes
- Chao Liu
- Zachary Abrams
- Greg Gershkowitz
- Anoushka Joglekar
- Min Wang
- Guy Brock
- Dwayne Tally
- James M. Melott
- Chris Wakefield
- Paul L. Roebuck
- Zhenlin Ju
- Huma Shehwana
- Shwetha V. Kumar
- E. Shannon Neeley
- Corwin Joy
- Jianhua Hu
- Keith A. Baggerly
- Rehan Akbani
- Mary A. Rohrdanz
- Doris R. Siwak
- Yiling Lu
- Bradley M. Broom
- John N. Weinstein
- Gordon B. Mills
- Jake Reed
- RB McGee
- Pan Tong
- Polina Bombina
- Kyoko Yamaguchi
- Salma Abdelbaky
- Jiexin Zhang