Kun Chen
Author of 11 CRAN packages
Kun Chen has worked on 11 packages so far. Wow, Kun Chen is really cranking out the code—this is dedication on another level! Kun Chen collaborated with 11 other developers. That's like an entire class of coding geniuses coming together!
11 Packages
- CVRCanonical Variate Regression
- daccDetection and Attribution Analysis of Climate Change
- dblcensCompute the NPMLE of Distribution Function from Doubly Censored Data, Plus the Empirical Likelihood Ratio for F(T)
- fmerPackTools of Heterogeneity Pursuit via Finite Mixture Effects Model
- gofarGeneralized Co-Sparse Factor Regression
- intsurvIntegrative Survival Modeling
- rrMixtureReduced-Rank Mixture Models
- rrpackReduced-Rank Regression
- secureSequential Co-Sparse Factor Regression
- sgeeStagewise Generalized Estimating Equations
- tlsTools of Total Least Squares in Error-in-Variables Models