Li-Pang Chen
Author of 7 CRAN packages
Li-Pang Chen has worked on 7 packages so far. That's a lot of coding! Clearly, Li-Pang Chen is on a mission. Li-Pang Chen worked with 7 other authors. That's a lot of creative energy! No wonder the results were fantastic.
7 Packages
- AFFECTAccelerated Functional Failure Time Model with Error-Contaminated Survival Times
- AteMeVsAverage Treatment Effects with Measurement Error and Variable Selection for Confounders
- CHEMISTCausal Inference with High-Dimensional Error-Prone Covariates and Misclassified Treatments
- EATMEExponentially Weighted Moving Average with Adjustments to Measurement Error
- GUESTGraphical Models in Ultrahigh-Dimensional and Error-Prone Data via Boosting Algorithm
- NetDANetwork-Based Discriminant Analysis Subject to Multi-Label Classes
- SIMEXBoostBoosting Method for High-Dimensional Error-Prone Data