Author of 7 CRAN packages
With 7 packages completed, CINTESIS is proving to be quite the prolific developer. Keep it up! CINTESIS and 5 others—Ramiro Magno, Isabel Duarte, Ana-Teresa Maia, Pattern Institute and University of Algarve—teamed up to tackle the challenge. A party of six, ready to conquer the code!
7 Packages
- agvgdAn R Implementation of the 'Align-GVGD' Method
- granthamCalculate the Grantham Distance
- gwasrapidd'REST' 'API' Client for the 'NHGRI'-'EBI' 'GWAS' Catalog
- hgncDownload and Import the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee ('HGNC') Data Set into R
- hospitalsPortuguese 'NHS' Hospitals
- mskcc.oncotreeInterface to the 'OncoTree' API
- quincunxREST API Client for the 'PGS' Catalog