Emmanuel Paradis
Author of 11 CRAN packages
Emmanuel Paradis has worked on 11 packages so far. Wow, Emmanuel Paradis is really cranking out the code—this is dedication on another level! Emmanuel Paradis teamed up with 76 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
11 Packages
- SiPhyNetworkA Phylogenetic Simulator for Reticulate Evolution
- TreeToolsCreate, Modify and Analyse Phylogenetic Trees
- apeAnalyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution
- coalescentMCMCMCMC Algorithms for the Coalescent
- distoryDistance Between Phylogenetic Histories
- motmotModels of Trait Macroevolution on Trees
- mvMORPHMultivariate Comparative Tools for Fitting Evolutionary Models to Morphometric Data
- pegasPopulation and Evolutionary Genetics Analysis System
- phangornPhylogenetic Reconstruction and Analysis
- shipunovMiscellaneous Functions from Alexey Shipunov
- tigersIntegration of Geography, Environment, and Remote Sensing
- Joshua Justison
- Klaus Schliep
- Daniel Lawson
- Claudia Solis-Lemus
- Tracy A. Heath
- Martin R. Smith
- Robert Noble
- RJ Ewing
- Joseph Brown
- Santiago Claramunt
- Benoit Durand
- Ben Bolker
- Johan Nylander
- Vincent Lefort
- Olivier Gascuel
- Guillaume Louvel
- Bradley Jones
- Gilles Didier
- Julien Claude
- Julien Dutheil
- Eric Marcon
- Rainer Opgen-Rhein
- Damien de Vienne
- Thomas Guillerme
- Hoa Sien Cuong
- Christoph Heibl
- Andrei-Alin Popescu
- Jim Lemon
- Manuela Royer-Carenzi
- Korbinian Strimmer
- Franz Krah
- Pierre Legendre
- Anthony Ives
- Simon Blomberg
- Richard Desper
- Federico Marotta
- Rosemary McCloskey
- Susan Holmes
- John Chakerian
- Mark Puttick
- David Orme
- Travis Ingram
- Rob Freckleton
- Gavin Thomas
- Magnus Clarke
- Julien Clavel
- Aaron King
- Zhian N. Kamvar
- Thibaut Jombart
- David Winter
- Brian Knaus
- Alastair Potts
- Jeremy Beaulieu
- Michelle Kendall
- Brian O'Meara
- Liam Revell
- Leonardo de Oliveira Martins
- Iris Bardel-Kahr
- Tim W. White
- Cyrill Stachniss
- Keren Halabi
- Richel Bilderbeek
- Kristin Winchell
- Mike Gilchrist
- Long Qu
- Sebastian Gibb
- Weiliang Qiu
- Roger Koenker
- Paul Murrell
- Marcello D'Orazio
- Stephen Turner
- R Core Team
- Alexey Shipunov
- Roland Rau
- Eugeny Altshuler
- Marcus W Beck