Eric C. Anderson
Author of 7 CRAN packages
Eric C. Anderson has been quite busy, working on 7 packages. You could say Eric C. Anderson is on a coding spree! Keep up the great work! Eric C. Anderson teamed up with 14 others, making it a large and lively crew of coders. The synergy must have been amazing!
7 Packages
- CKMRpopForward-in-Time Simulation and Tallying of Pairwise Relationships
- gaiahGenetic and Isotopic Assignment Accounting for Habitat Suitability
- gscrambleSimulating Admixed Genotypes Without Replacement
- rubiasBayesian Inference from the Conditional Genetic Stock Identification Model
- vcfRManipulate and Visualize VCF Data
- whoaEvaluation of Genotyping Error in Genotype-by-Sequencing Data
- zoidBayesian Zero-and-One Inflated Dirichlet Regression Modelling