Jeroen Ooms
Author of 96 CRAN packages
Jeroen Ooms has completed over 96 packages! The dedication here is off the charts—clearly a coding superstar! Jeroen Ooms teamed up with 310 other developers, making this project a gigantic collaborative effort. The coding world is a better place for it!
96 Packages
- PROJGeneric Coordinate System Transformations Using 'PROJ'
- RAppArmorBindings to AppArmor and Security Related Linux Tools
- RMariaDBDatabase Interface and MariaDB Driver
- RMySQLDatabase Interface and 'MySQL' Driver for R
- RPostgresC++ Interface to PostgreSQL
- RProtoBufR Interface to the 'Protocol Buffers' 'API' (Version 2 or 3)
- RPublicaProPublica API Client
- RcppCWB'Rcpp' Bindings for the 'Corpus Workbench' ('CWB')
- V8Embedded JavaScript and WebAssembly Engine for R
- antiwordExtract Text from Microsoft Word Documents
- askpassPassword Entry Utilities for R, Git, and SSH
- avWorking with Audio and Video in R
- badgenFast and Simple Badge Generator
- base64Base64 Encoder and Decoder
- bcrypt'Blowfish' Key Derivation and Password Hashing
- blastulaEasily Send HTML Email Messages
- brotliA Compression Format Optimized for the Web
- cld2Google's Compact Language Detector 2
- cld3Google's Compact Language Detector 3
- codemetaA Smaller 'codemetar' Package
- codemetarGenerate 'CodeMeta' Metadata for R Packages
- commonmarkHigh Performance CommonMark and Github Markdown Rendering in R
- covrTest Coverage for Packages
- credentialsTools for Managing SSH and Git Credentials
- curlA Modern and Flexible Web Client for R
- evaluateParsing and Evaluation Tools that Provide More Details than the Default
- fasterizeFast Polygon to Raster Conversion
- fluidsynthRead and Play Digital Music (MIDI)
- gdalcubesEarth Observation Data Cubes from Satellite Image Collections
- gdtoolsUtilities for Graphical Rendering and Fonts Management
- geojsonClasses for 'GeoJSON'
- gertSimple Git Client for R
- ghappsAuthenticate as a 'GitHub' App
- gifskiHighest Quality GIF Encoder
- git2rProvides Access to Git Repositories
- gpgGNU Privacy Guard for R
- graphqlA GraphQL Query Parser
- hellorustMinimal Examples of Using Rust Code in R
- httpgdA 'HTTP' Server Graphics Device
- httpuvHTTP and WebSocket Server Library
- hunspellHigh-Performance Stemmer, Tokenizer, and Spell Checker
- ijtiffComprehensive TIFF I/O with Full Support for 'ImageJ' TIFF Files
- image.textlinedetectorSegment Images in Text Lines and Words
- joseJavaScript Object Signing and Encryption
- jqrClient for 'jq', a 'JSON' Processor
- jsTools for Working with JavaScript in R
- jsonldJSON for Linking Data
- jsonliteA Simple and Robust JSON Parser and Generator for R
- katexRendering Math to HTML, 'MathML', or R-Documentation Format
- magickAdvanced Graphics and Image-Processing in R
- maketoolsExploring and Testing the Toolchain and System Libraries
- markdownRender Markdown with 'commonmark'
- mongoliteFast and Simple 'MongoDB' Client for R
- nloptrR Interface to NLopt
- nodbi'NoSQL' Database Connector
- opencpuProducing and Reproducing Results
- opencvBindings to 'OpenCV' Computer Vision Library
- opensslToolkit for Encryption, Signatures and Certificates Based on OpenSSL
- pakAnother Approach to Package Installation
- pbdZMQProgramming with Big Data – Interface to 'ZeroMQ'
- pdftoolsText Extraction, Rendering and Converting of PDF Documents
- phylocomrInterface to 'Phylocom'
- port4meGet the Same, Personal, Free 'TCP' Port over and over
- postdocMinimal and Uncluttered Package Documentation
- prismjsServer-Side Syntax Highlighting
- protoliteHighly Optimized Protocol Buffer Serializers
- qpdfSplit, Combine and Compress PDF Files
- rdataretrieverR Interface to the Data Retriever
- redlandRDF Library Bindings in R
- rgeeR Bindings for Calling the 'Earth Engine' API
- rgl3D Visualization Using OpenGL
- rjadeA Clean, Whitespace-Sensitive Template Language for Writing HTML
- rsvgRender SVG Images into PDF, PNG, (Encapsulated) PostScript, or Bitmap Arrays
- rversionsQuery 'R' Versions, Including 'r-release' and 'r-oldrel'
- rzmqR Bindings for 'ZeroMQ'
- s2Spherical Geometry Operators Using the S2 Geometry Library
- sarsopApproximate POMDP Planning Software
- sfSimple Features for R
- sodiumA Modern and Easy-to-Use Crypto Library
- spellingTools for Spell Checking in R
- sshSecure Shell (SSH) Client for R
- sysPowerful and Reliable Tools for Running System Commands in R
- systemfontsSystem Native Font Finding
- tesseractOpen Source OCR Engine
- tinkrCast '(R)Markdown' Files to 'XML' and Back Again
- unigdUniversal Graphics Device
- unixPOSIX System Utilities
- unrtfExtract Text from Rich Text Format (RTF) Documents
- vapourAccess to the 'Geospatial Data Abstraction Library' ('GDAL')
- webpA New Format for Lossless and Lossy Image Compression
- webutilsUtility Functions for Developing Web Applications
- writexlExport Data Frames to Excel 'xlsx' Format
- x13binaryProvide the 'x13ashtml' Seasonal Adjustment Binary
- xml2Parse XML
- xsltExtensible Style-Sheet Language Transformations
- arrowIntegration to 'Apache' 'Arrow'
- Simon Urbanek
- Michael D. Sumner
- Dewey Dunnington
- Anthony North
- Kirill Müller
- Hadley Wickham
- RStudio
- Jeffrey Horner
- R Consortium
- David James
- Saikat DebRoy
- Tomoaki Nishiyama
- Dirk Eddelbuettel
- Romain Francois
- Murray Stokely
- Thomas J. Leeper
- Andreas Blaette
- Stephanie Evert
- Sylvain Loiseau
- Bernard Desgraupes
- Oliver Christ
- Bruno Maximilian Schulze
- Arne Fitschen
- Marius Bertram
- Tomas Kalibera
- Jan Marvin Garbuszus
- Adri van Os
- Damien Miller
- Niels Provos
- Joe Cheng
- Richard Iannone
- Posit Software, PBC
- Ted Goas
- Google, Inc
- Dirk Sites
- Google Inc
- Carl Boettiger
- Sebastian Kreutzer
- Sebastian Meyer
- Maëlle Salmon
- Noam Ross
- rOpenSci
- Katrin Leinweber
- Arfon Smith
- Michael Rustler
- Hauke Sonnenberg
- Toph Allen
- Thierry Onkelinx
- Anna Krystalli
- John MacFarlane
- Henrik Bengtsson
- Jouni Helske
- Will Beasley
- Jon Clayden
- Karl Forner
- David Hugh-Jones
- Gergely Daróczi
- Eric Brown
- Jim Hester
- Doug Kelkhoff
- Brodie Gaslam
- Kun Ren
- Chris Campbell
- Mark Otto
- Bootstrap contributors
- Twitter, Inc
- Willem Ligtenberg
- Steve Peak
- Kirill Sevastyanenko
- Robert Flight
- Robert Krzyzanowski
- Markus Wamser
- Ken Williams
- Qin Wang
- Ivan Sagalaev
- Jacob Thornton
- Michel Lang
- Barret Schloerke
- Yihui Xie
- Karolis Koncevičius
- Hiroaki Yutani
- Michael Lawrence
- Thomas Kluyver
- Adam Ryczkowski
- Michael Sumner
- Antoine Stevens
- EcoHealth Alliance
- S. Christian Collins
- Roger Bivand
- Marius Appel
- Edzer Pebesma
- Howard Hinnant
- Adrian Colomitchi
- Florian Dang
- Paul Thompson
- Tomasz Kamiński
- Lewis Van Winkle
- Ole Christian Eidheim
- Dropbox, Inc.
- Yixuan Qiu
- Lionel Henry
- David Gohel
- R Core Team
- ArData
- Scott Chamberlain
- Jennifer Bryan
- Kornel Lesiński
- Authors of the dependency Rust crates
- Peter Carbonetto
- Stefan Widgren
- Gregory Jefferis
- John Blischak
- Gabor Csardi
- Thomas Rosendal
- Karthik Ram
- Scott Wolchok
- Facebook, Inc
- Florian Rupprecht
- Winston Chang
- Hector Corrada Bravo
- Posit, PBC
- libuv project contributors
- Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors
- Andrzej Krzemienski
- Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
- Alexander Chemeris
- Google, Inc.
- Sony Mobile Communcations AB
- Berkeley Software Design Inc.
- Kenneth MacKay
- Emergya (Cloud4all, FP7/2007-2013, grant agreement no 289016)
- Steve Reid
- James Brown
- Bob Trower
- Alexander Peslyak
- Trantor Standard Systems
- Igor Sysoev
- Authors of libhunspell
- Rory Nolan
- Sergi Padilla-Parra
- Kent Johnson
- Jan Wijffels
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel - DIGI: Brussels Platform for Digital Humanities
- Arthur Flôr
- Saverio Meucci
- Yeara Kozlov
- Tino Weinkauf
- Harald Scheidl
- Rich FitzJohn
- Stefan Milton Bache
- Duncan Temple Lang
- Lloyd Hilaiel
- Khan Academy and other contributors
- JJ Allaire
- Thomas Leeper
- Andrzej Oles
- Kohske Takahashi
- Nacho Caballero
- Adam November
- MongoDB, Inc
- Avraham Adler
- Kurt Hornik
- Brian Ripley
- Xiongtao Dai
- Julien Chiquet
- Jelmer Ypma
- Hans W. Borchers
- Aymeric Stamm
- Steven G. Johnson
- Ralf Herold
- Oliver Keyes
- Gábor Csárdi
- Rich Geldreich
- Jay Loden
- Dave Daeschler
- Giampaolo Rodola
- Ascent Digital Services
- Michel Berkelaar and lpSolve authors
- Kuba Podgórski
- Wei-Chen Chen
- George Ostrouchov
- Drew Schmidt
- Panagiotis Cheilaris
- R Core team
- Whit Armstrong
- ZeroMQ authors
- Christian Heckendorf
- Elliott Sales de Andrade
- Spencer Aiello
- Philipp A.
- Paul Andrey
- Luna Luisa Sanchez Reyes
- Cam Webb
- David Ackerly
- Steven Kembel
- Lea Verou
- Ben Raymond
- Jay Berkenbilt
- Daniel McGlinn
- Henry Senyondo
- Hao Ye
- Pranita Sharma
- David J Harris
- Shawn Taylor
- Francisco Rodríguez-Sánchez Ooms
- Apoorva Pandey
- Harshit Bansal
- Max Pohlman
- Ethan White
- Matthew B. Jones
- Peter Slaughter
- Regents of the University of California
- David Beckett
- University of Bristol
- Kevin Ushey
- Yuan Tang
- Tim Appelhans
- Jeffrey Hollister
- Cesar Aybar
- Antony Barja
- Wu Qiusheng
- Lesly Bautista
- Roy Yali
- Samapriya Roy
- MariaElena Adauto
- Gabriel Carrasco
- Gennadii Donchyts
- Yohann Demont
- Albrecht Gebhardt
- Ben Bolker
- Duncan Murdoch
- Ivan Krylov
- Joshua Ulrich
- Oleg Nenadic
- Jonathon Love
- The R Core Team
- Daniel Adler
- Ming Chen
- Adam Strzelecki
- Alexander Senger
- The authors of Shiny
- The authors of knitr
- Xavier Fernandez i Marin
- George Helffrich
- Mike Stein
- Forbes Lindesay
- Salim Brüggemann
- Michael Schubert
- Ege Rubak
- Amit Jain
- Free Software Foundation
- Lee Thomason
- Milad Memarzadeh
- Hanna Kurniawati
- David Hsu
- Wee Sun Lee
- Yanzhu Du
- Xan Huang
- Trey Smith
- Tony Cassandra
- Carl Kindman
- Le Trong Dao
- Rong Nan
- Ulrich Drepper
- Tyge Lovset
- Yves Berquin
- Benjamin Grüdelbach
- RSA Data Security, Inc.
- Thomas Lin Pedersen
- Robin Lovelace
- Ian Cook
- Tim Keitt
- Etienne Racine
- Dan Baston
- Devon Govett
- Zhian N. Kamvar
- Nick Wellnhofer
- Peter Daengeli
- Tony Plate
- Tatsuya Shima
- Matthieu Decorde
- Google
- Victor Zverovich
- Håkon Malmedal
- T Jake Luciani
- Vaudor Lise
- Brett Robinson
- Free Software Foundation, Inc
- Mark Padgham
- Joseph Stachelek
- Simon Wotherspoon
- Even Rouault
- Robert Hijmans
- Timothy Keitt
- Dale Maschette
- John McNamara
- Christoph Sax
- Michael Antonov
- R Foundation
- Javier Luraschi
- Jonathan Keane
- Karl Dunkle Werner
- Nic Crane
- Romain François
- Dragoș Moldovan-Grünfeld
- Jacob Wujciak-Jens
- Apache Arrow
- Jeffrey Wong
- Neal Richardson