Sebastian Funk
Author of 12 CRAN packages
Sebastian Funk has 12 packages under their belt. That's not just dedication, it's a passion for coding! Sebastian Funk worked with over 67 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
12 Packages
- EpiNow2Estimate Real-Time Case Counts and Time-Varying Epidemiological Parameters
- cfrEstimate Disease Severity and Case Ascertainment
- epichainsSimulating and Analysing Transmission Chain Statistics Using Branching Process Models
- o2geosocialReconstruction of Transmission Chains from Surveillance Data
- pompStatistical Inference for Partially Observed Markov Processes
- primarycensoredPrimary Event Censored Distributions
- rbi.helpers'rbi' Helper Functions
- rbiInterface to 'LibBi'
- scoringutilsUtilities for Scoring and Assessing Predictions
- socialmixrSocial Mixing Matrices for Infectious Disease Modelling
- superspreadingUnderstand Individual-Level Variation in Infectious Disease Transmission
- epiparameterClasses and Helper Functions for Working with Epidemiological Parameters
- Sophie Meakin
- Katharine Sherratt
- Lloyd Chapman
- Joel Hellewell
- Robin Thompson
- Hamada S. Badr
- Peter Ellis
- Andrew Johnson
- Nikos Bosse
- Katelyn Gostic
- Pietro Monticone
- Kaitlyn Johnson
- EpiForecasts
- James M. Azam
- James Munday
- Sam Abbott
- Paul Mee
- Michael DeWitt
- Joe Hickson
- Abdoelnaser M. Degoot
- Pratik R. Gupte
- Joshua W. Lambert
- Tim Taylor
- Tim Russell
- Hugo Gruson
- Adam Kucharski
- Zhian N. Kamvar
- Karim Mané
- Pratik Gupte
- Flavio Finger
- Thibaut Jombart
- Alexis Robert
- Adam J Kucharski
- Dao Nguyen
- Aaron A. King
- Daniel C. Reuman
- Steven G. Johnson
- Simon N. Wood
- Edward L. Ionides
- Carles Bretó
- Stephen P. Ellner
- Matthew J. Ferrari
- Bruce E. Kendall
- Michael Lavine
- Eamon B. O'Dea
- Helen Wearing
- Adam Howes
- Sam Brand
- Kelly Charniga
- James Mba Azam
- Carl Pearson
- Pierre E. Jacob
- Anthony Lee
- Lawrence M. Murray
- Michael Chirico
- Johannes Bracher
- Toshiaki Asakura
- Carl A. B. Pearson
- Pietro Coletti
- Lander Willem
- Maria Bekker-Nielsen Dunbar
- Sam Clifford
- Christopher Jarvis
- Niel Hens
- Dillon C. Adam
- Chris Hartgerink
- Carmen Tamayo