Peter Carbonetto
Author of 14 CRAN packages
Peter Carbonetto has worked on 14 packages so far. Wow, Peter Carbonetto is really cranking out the code—this is dedication on another level! Peter Carbonetto has collaborated with a whopping 60 other authors. It's basically a small army of coders! Who knew package development could be such a social event?
14 Packages
- EbayesThreshEmpirical Bayes Thresholding and Related Methods
- MAPITRMArginal ePIstasis Test for Regions
- ashrMethods for Adaptive Shrinkage, using Empirical Bayes
- bmassBayesian Multivariate Analysis of Summary Statistics
- ebnmSolve the Empirical Bayes Normal Means Problem
- fastTopicsFast Algorithms for Fitting Topic Models and Non-Negative Matrix Factorizations to Count Data
- fastglmpcaFast Algorithms for Generalized Principal Component Analysis
- flashierEmpirical Bayes Matrix Factorization
- git2rProvides Access to Git Repositories
- mashrMultivariate Adaptive Shrinkage
- mixsqpSequential Quadratic Programming for Fast Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Mixture Proportions
- susieRSum of Single Effects Linear Regression
- varbvsLarge-Scale Bayesian Variable Selection Using Variational Methods
- workflowrA Framework for Reproducible and Collaborative Data Science
- Matthew Stephens
- Bernard W. Silverman
- Ludger Evers
- Kan Xu
- Michael Turchin
- Gregory Darnell
- Lorin Crawford
- Sohini Ramachandran
- Nan Xiao
- Jason Willwerscheid
- David Gerard
- Lei Sun
- Chaoxing Dai
- Mengyin Lu
- Mazon Zeng
- Andrew Goldstein
- Yusha Liu
- Paul C. Boutros
- Minzhe Wang
- Eric Weine
- Tracy Ke
- Xihui Lin
- Kevin Luo
- Kushal Dey
- Joyce Hsiao
- Abhishek Sarkar
- Anthony Hung
- Wei Wang
- Gao Wang
- Stefan Widgren
- Gregory Jefferis
- John Blischak
- Jeroen Ooms
- Jennifer Bryan
- Scott Chamberlain
- Jim Hester
- Gabor Csardi
- Thomas Rosendal
- Karthik Ram
- Sarah Urbut
- Yuxin Zou
- Yunqi Yang
- Sam Roweis
- David Hogg
- Jo Bovy
- Jean Morrison
- Youngseok Kim
- Mihai Anitescu
- Kaiqian Zhang
- Yihui Xie
- Jiaxiang Li
- Michael J. Kane
- Luke Zappia
- Giorgio Comai
- Pierre Formont
- Anh Tran
- Tim Trice
- Sydney Purdue
- Zaynaib Giwa
- Xiongbing Jin